Introducing… the UK Resilience Lessons Digest
Introducing… the UK Resilience Lessons Digest

The JESIP team have been delighted to work with Lianna Roast since her appointment earlier this year to the role of Resilience Knowledge Coordinator at the EPC, in particular in the production of the new UK Resilience Lessons Digest.
Lianna has significant professional experience in the management and delivery of community learning and education initiatives, as well as an academic background in Psychology and Disaster Management.
She is passionate about the processes of learning from major incidents and disasters to strengthen whole-society resilience.
Lianna is a great advocate of Joint Organisational Learning (JOL) which is highlighted in this inaugural issue as an integral part of the ‘National Learning Landscape’ and a key contribution of JESIP to UK resilience since 2015.

The UK Resilience Lessons Digest is part of a programme of work being undertaken at the Cabinet Office Emergency Planning College (EPC) to synthesise lessons learned from all major exercises and emergencies.
It has been deliberately designed to support our processes of learning lessons in three ways by:
- Summarising transferable lessons and themes from a wide range of relevant sources
- Sharing lessons across responder organisations and wider resilience partners
- Coordinating knowledge to drive continual improvements in doctrine, standards, good practice, training and exercising
Issue 1: ‘Learning Together’ has now been published, and is freely available for download from the EPC Website here.