Multi-Agency Information Cell (MAIC) Guidance

Multi-Agency Information Cell (MAIC) Guidance

MAIC Guidance

The MAIC Guidance has been developed by a multi-agency team from across several LRF areas and is supported by an accompanying case studies document. It is intended to support Local Resilience Forums (LRFs) in developing their own Multi-Agency Information Cell (MAIC) arrangements.

The JESIP Interoperability Board strongly recommends that all LRFs develop their own MAIC protocol based on this guidance which also sets out the statutory basis for sharing information and the alignment with the national resilience standards.  It is expected that local arrangements will have clear ownership within LRFs and be regularly validated through local testing and exercise regimes.

Graphic resources

You can download all the graphics formulated for this MAIC guidance here.

Last updated: Jun 2022
Multi-Agency Information Cell (MAIC) Guidance
